The thing is, CO2, one of the heat-trapping gases, is necessary for plant growth. It's a closed, self-balancing system -- man and animal life breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2, and produce it in other ways, too. Plants take in CO2 and produce oxygen. It was noted some ten years or more ago that plant growth -- as in the forests all over the world -- had accelerated. The system regulates itself. In spite of what politicians say, CO2 is not a pollutant -- it is necessary for Earth's eco-system. Without CO2, our plants would die. Without plant life to produce oxygen, the animals die. Each is necessary to the other.

It has also been found by scientists who study historical weather, and the makeup of ancient rock strata, that rises and drops in atmospheric CO2 followed, rather than preceded, the increase and decrease of temperature.

The fact is that there is still a lot we don't know about what causes climate change, but historical evidence says that Man doesn't have a lot to do with it. I think that whatever is happening to our climate is most probably part of a natural cycle that we haven't completely figured out yet. Remember, computer projections rest on the information fed to them. If that information is incomplete, then the results aren't going to be valid.

Garbage in, garbage out. smile


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.