Well, not that I don't *love* character-driven movies, and not that I *want* to be bashed for this buuut...

I really want a Superman Returns sequel with more action!

Yes, you heard me. More Action. Slander, I know. (I've been a FoLC for a looong time.)

This is NOT to say I DON'T want a character-driven film: as a FoLC at all, it should be clear that I do. But I also want an A-PLOT! And a good one too!

Yes, of course I want to see Lois & Clark end up together. (Yes, of course they *eventually* will.) Yes, the Richard thing will work itself out conveniently (this is the movies after all, let's not forget that). YES, I want Lex Luthor in the sequel(s)--Kevin Spacey was the best part about SR, plus, it's classic, you gotta have LL in the picture. (Reasoning: consider L&C. What's the best season? Not necessarily your favorite; the best *written*? Yes of course it's season one. Why? There's some variety as to the threats Superman faces, but who's behind almost every single evil plot? None other than Lex Luthor. Even if Lex isn't involved directly in L&C or in the SR sequel(s), then he should be involved "behind-the-scenes" to some extent. They managed to pull that off in Superman II, so they should definitely go for it in this flick too.)

As to why I want more action in general? Hello? Duh? I love comics! Yes, I'm a fangirl, and I want to see some superheroic *** -kicking! I mean he's SUPERMAN after all! Let's see him being super.

Why I think they can pull of a good balance of character-driven story and A-plot? The Spider-Man movies (but mostly the second and third ones...especially the third one for action sequences). If Bryan Singer & Co. don't screw up too much in writing the main plot, then I think they can do it.

My only mega-beef? NO. ZOD.

He's only cool in the comics; he's been done before in the movies--let's see something new!

Okay well, that's my mega rant. Thanks for reading, if you did!

PS: Lois was not a b**ch, that's just male insecurity. This world is still mega-backwards in terms of prejudice. Lois' character, admittedly, was not perfectly written. But I can think of a *lot* worse scenarios; at least she stood up to Superman! Lois is supposed to be a feminist-type character (or at least, she has been for years now), so they wrote that aspect of her pretty well in SR. I hope they don't turn her into some sort of mushy push-over in the sequel just because of the negative reactions of some bad-apple "fan"boys.

"Oh--as usual--dear." -Giles