Just rewatched SR last night. I don't remember them saying how old Jason is but they talk about his A in science and F in gym. SO I HAVE SEVERAL PROBLEMS. It seemed obvious to me when she whispered to him in the hospital that she told him Jason was his son. That was obvious by his reaction to the kryptonite and shoving the piano across the room. Also her lack of surprise at him visiting Jason or her lack of asking him what the hell he was doing in her son's room without asking her. So since it is obvious that Jason is Superman's son. Then:

1. Richard must know that Jason is Superman's son because she was not dating him in any of the movies. He wasn't even a character. So unless she met him and bed him in pretty much the same night, which would have to be right at the end of Superman 2 after Zod is banished then DUH he knows he ain't the father. Plus it would be a large part of the reason for his wanting to know if she loved Superman in the kitchen scene. (Which we all noted she never answered.)

2. For Jason to be Superman's son then obviously movies 3 & 4 never happened. Fine by me I hated them. Especially the one with Richard Pryor. It wasn't a Superman movie it was a Richard Pryor movie.

3. Also for this to work - his being Superman's son movies 3 & r couldn't have happened because time doesn't work. They said in the scene between Clark and his mother that he was gone 5 years. We know they only slept together once in the ice fortress (because Jor-El said he had to give up his powers for them to sleep together). So obviously he had to leave right after movie 2 or he would have to have known about Lois being pregnant and at least suspected he was the father. But this all means that Jason can only be a little over 4 years old and the kid in the movie was obviously older than 4.

So a large sub-plot of the movie should at least address some of this. I understand that they need to have action and villians but lets get some one other than Lex Luthor - between LnC and the movies he's been done to death and I didn't care for this latest incarnation of Lex either. So lets get a new villian. Your in the movie making business use SOME IMAGINATION.

The title Superman - Man of Steel is trite and all action and villians doesn't call for much of a script or dialog. As expensive as movies are to go to I want some story substance not just all action and special effects. It seems to me that most movies rely more on the effects than having an ACTUAL STORY. And for my above reasons I want some things explained.

So for all of these reasons I said other to both questions. Forgive me for rambling on but I just had to get these points off my chest. Though I enjoyed SR I want the next one better and some answers. confused