Oooooh? Really? Underdog?

I would say *woot*, but *woof* seems more appropriate. (and silly!!)

I almost picked Jason's Revenge 'cause that's just plain hilarious. I picked another amusing title instead. Would have gone with "something else" but felt I had nothing to elaborate on... I don't really care what they'll call it - I'll be going to see it on opening day anyhow.

As for the contents of the movie... erm... ya know... I just hope they make Clark seem less indifferent to Lois. I mean, obviously for half a second you could tell he was crushed and jealous and all that... but come on!!! Fight for her, Clark!!!! (even Movie-Clark the First was more of a man than that dude... maybe it's being in space for 5 years, I dunno... *sigh*)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies