The movie went further than the book did. T
Book? What book? There's a book??? confused

Kmar: A wizard did it. wink Really, tho, you make a good point. I personally suspected that Lois got Richard on purpose, as soon as she found out she was pregnant. As for the age---*shrug* Time travel? Gaping plot hole? Really advanced school and a kid that just *looks* older than he really is? At least it could possibly provide fic fodder. Plot holes serve a valuable purpose in this life! razz

Okay, I may end up seeing it anyway, just because it's Superman and so forth. :rolleyes:
But I would really prefer something more character-driven. In fact, at this point I prolly wouldn't notice if the villains were completely absent!

...Except to kill Richard. I voted Richard off the island. He may be a nice guy, but he has gotten in the way and therefore must go. Y'all don't want to know my opinions on Lana.
evil devilsplat
