LOL, LabRat! goofy

Well, Paul, I'd be interested in knowing more about why you don't like GGGOH as well as some of the other eps. However, not liking kryptonite sounds like as good a reason as any. laugh

i'm very bad at picking favorites. i take things as they come and enjoy them for what they are.
Considering the length of my lists of "favorites" I'd have to say that I have trouble picking favorites, too. blush

i like folcs and fic a lot more than i ever liked the show
I adore the show, so I can't say I like fic better, but I like it for different reasons. I love the show for the way it humanized Superman, but I read fic mainly for the romance between Lois and Clark. Yes, I love the romance in the show, too, but fanfic romance often works better for me.
