hey shadowfax. smile welcome. smile good to see you posting here. smile

what didn't i like about the ep? you know, i'm not sure. there have been some good points made in its favor. like i said, i have a thing about the first kryptonite episode. can't quite explain it. i've never thought of it as a particularly bad ep, but it's never one i thought of as especially strong, either. i guess i can see where you're coming from, tho.

my favorite ep? i don't know. i'm very bad at picking favorites. i take things as they come and enjoy them for what they are. it's a survival trait (long story). so, i like and dislike, but don't pick favorites. i voted for about 1/3 of the eps, iirc, in the positive collumn. of course, it doesn't help that my long-term memory tends to blur some things together...

so, sorry, but i don't know if i can give you a good answer for that.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.