The Janus Stone - Elly Griffiths

I picked this one up as part of a charity lot and wasn't expecting more from it than a bog-standard thriller. Which is exactly what I got. But it filled a couple of hours out in the garden on a sunny afternoon, so I can't complain.

Cast Into Doubt - Patricia MacDonald

I was looking for something to keep me occupied while waiting for a delivery, so dl this from my local library. Was glad I did, as it turned out to be a cracking little mystery thriller in the manner of Harlan Coban or Phillip Margolis.

I see the library has a small pile of others by the same author, so expect I'll be raiding them shortly.

Until It's Over - 'Nicci French'

French is a bit of a hit and miss author for me. But I did enjoy this one, especially the central conceit of essentially covering the same events twice, from two different points of view.

Missing Child - Patricia MacDonald

The plot of this one was a little looser and less logical than the last, but still a good, easy read to while away an afternoon.

LabRat :-)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers