Well, I haven't been reading much of anything except these boards, but I just found something that is very unusual and not mentioned here.
1. Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch
For sci-fi and fan nuts plus alien abduction stuff and Area 51, it is funny as heck. I discovered it on Sony Reader, but it is also on Amazon in paperback and Kindle. I found the paperback series in a local Barnes and Noble.

It is best to read them in order and I'm on the third one:
Touched by an Alien published April 2010
Alien Tango published December 2010
Alien in the Family published April 2011
Alien Proliferation published December 2011
Alien Diplomacy published April 2012
Alien vs. Alien published December 2012
Alien in the House published May 2013
Alien Research coming December 2013

The wisegal heroine is Kitty Katt (she kids you not) and the hero is Jeffery Martini. Mentally you can picture him as a Clark Kent. The books are in Kitty's first person account. Comic geeks alert here! Wait until you see the Dazzlers described! And anyone familiar with big Italian and/or Jewish families will feel at home.
Have fun reading! And, oh yes, NASA, the CIA and various other entities are involved.
Oh, and P.S. I will be off the boards until October. We are going to Europe on a long cruise. I have these books loaded for my spare time. /me waves at LabRat from Heathrow.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis