Just popping back in to say that I just finished reading "When The World Finds Out". And it's good. Really, really good. But you guys all knew that already, since I was probably the only person here who hadn't read it. blush

So thanks to the FoLCs who reassured me it wasn't really an angsty story. I definitely enjoyed it. (Especially the part where the kids are all talking about how they knew to stay out of the house whenever Superman had a tough rescue because that's when the love-in would start. And as much as I was laughing at that entire conversation, I almost fell out of my chair when one of their girls almost killed her father by mentioning how sex is healing ... um, or so she's read. OMG, I'm still laughing about it! You are the queen of dialogue, CC Aiken!)

CC ... I'm so glad you joined our little fandom! laugh

Kathy (singing, "Can you feel the love tonight ...?")