Wheee! I made it in two posts! <g>
“When you do something lunkheaded, and Lois lets you have it, your defense cannot be ‘But if you date Dan Scardino, the future collapses, our children don’t get born!’”

“I would never--” Clark started to protest, but Madge held up her hand to silence him.
Oh boy, that's a good point! razz

“It’s for the greater good, dear. And for your own, as well.”
BAH!!! How dare you use Wendy's line against us!! But... but... *whimper* I don't want them to forget!!!! razz

He swung her into his arms. She felt so right against his chest he nearly lost a step in his surprise. “How about we let destiny take its course?” he said with a grin.

“There’s no such thing,” she said dismissively. “I make my own destiny.”
Nice. Really... nice. smile (Though don't get the idea that I'm not mad at you, CC. I am. Very. *snuffle*)

“The window’s open, Ms Lane,” he said to the woman who fit his arms so perfectly. “Care to make an entrance?”

The end
That. Was. Perfect. You know... I *am* upset that they didn't get to keep their memories (heartbroken is closer to the truth), but OH GOD, CC. Oh. God. This... hang on... I have something brilliant to say... just have to think... It really couldn't have ended any other way. It couldn't. It's beautiful. Really, really beautiful. It's all full circle. Everything that happened. It still has to happen. So great. And you know what makes me not so mad? It's that connection to WTWFO. They can't get to that point without having everything happen as it should. And... wow... this just makes the series as a whole so very poignant and... perfect, even given all it's flaws. Perfect. I wouldn't have it any other way. And that, CC, is what I think you were trying to accomplish. You did it. Masterfully.

It's at this point that I'd like to declare CC the queen of the fandom. It doesn't have to be forever, since that wouldn't be entirely fair, but at least for a good month or so. Why? Well, if you've read this far... you know why. CC has just taken everything that we love and amplified it one hundred-fold. Or at least that's the feeling I'm having right now. I'm really surprised I even have words to attempt this, though I'm sure I'm falling short of the praise it deserves.

You are truly a gift to this fandom, CC Aiken. Thank you.


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