"I know. And I'll figure it out, Grams. I just wish ..." His eyes moved from hers and she waited, as patiently as she knew how to, and that wasn’t much. “... I had someone like you,” he finally continued. “Someone to help me.”
Aww! I had to blink back some tears there! goofy

Man, what a roller coaster this story was. I'd go back through and quote but, hell, I'd end up quoting the whole section. I laughed, I cried. And then I laughed some more when Elise opened her mouth to comment on Hank greeting Lois.

On some small infinitesimal level, I'm kind of irked that they're memories were erased after everything they've been through, but...grudgingly enough, I completely understand where Madge is coming from. Although using that excuse for Dan Scardino would make my day! goofy

Great story, CC. One of my new favorite Tempus fics!

goofy All of the stories rotting just want to commit fanfic suicide. I can picture them hurling themselves into the recycle bin, one by one.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy