Gosh darn it, CC! Why did this story have to end? I know, I know ... daisies. And I love daisies. Really. I have several different varieties in my gardens. All different colors. I just wish they didn't have to be CC daisies. You know, ones that want a life.

"I know. And I'll figure it out, Grams. I just wish ..." His eyes moved from hers and she waited, as patiently as she knew how to, and that wasn’t much. “... I had someone like you,” he finally continued. “Someone to help me.”

Lois found herself blinking back unexpected tears. She tightened her hold on him for a quiet minute wanting to promise him there would be someone. Someone suited to the task, someone willing and able and meant for him. But she didn’t. Those promises would have sounded empty, she knew. Because before she had seen it for herself, been overwhelmed by the evidence, she would have rolled her eyes and written those promises off as the stuff of fairy tales.
Oh, major woobie lip time! Poor Silas, not only experiencing Clark's early loneliness at this transitional time of his life, but also experiencing a shadow of the bond at the same time, which gives him an extra AltClark-like trauma. Sniff, sniff!

And of course this Lois would have no way of comforting him -- if she'd been a few years older, she would have experienced the soulmates time travel for herself and could reassure him that "his Lois" was out there somewhere. But right now, there is absolutely nothing she can offer him.

Nicely done.

"Can I help?" he said. "With... whatever... it is that you're doing?"

"Thank you," Madge said, obviously distracted. "Rug, plywood, lead shielding, dear."

Lois smiled at the look on Clark's face, but he caught on fairly quickly once Madge toed up the corner of the rug.
LOL! I can just picture Clark's expression, a complete and total "Huh???" that he will eventually get used to, being partnered with Lois Lane, but right now, he's a total babe in the woods. lol

"Get back to the bones, dear," said Madge, this time a bit heatedly. "They weren't... his?"

"A replicant's," said Petal with a delighted glint in her eye.

"How on earth did he manage that?" Madge muttered weakly.

"I can't wait to find out," Petal said.
Oh ... oh, oh, oh. I love you, CC! I love you, I love you, I love you!

/me bumps Paul out of the way. My turn to hug her!!!

Where did I put those cruise brochures?? Pack an extra fancy gown, babe. You're dining with Captain Stubing tonight, no matter who I have to bribe! (Though personally, I always though Gopher was the cutest.)

But Lois saw it. The thunderstruck expression on Silas’s face when Petal caught his eye and flashed her dimples.

Silas froze in mid-step and gaped at her like a fish on a hook. Which was pretty much what he was. Lois realized there might be something to the whole maternal thing after all. Her heart filled with love and relief for her grandson. She recognized that look. She’d scarcely been paying attention, but it registered with her now. Clark standing up in Perry’s office to say hello... to her.
OK, I am just grinning so much right now. If my cheeks hurt tomorrow, I'm going to know who to blame.

“I’ll hold you,” Clark said quickly. “I’m invulnerable. I’ll keep you close. Wrapped up tight...” And she appreciated the effort, since he sounded as unnerved as she was.
Blissful sigh.

“So... we’re partners,” said Silas to Petal, offering her a tentative hand.

Petal took it readily. “But I have seniority. I was Hank’s apprentice and now you’ll be mine.”

“That sounds really perfect,” said Silas with enough awe in his voice to capture even Clark’s notice.
and then:

He walked past them all and grabbed Elise with a wordless cry.
Lois stepped gingerly around the door in the floor and into view. At the sight of her, Hank’s smile turned decidedly lop-sided. “Lois Lane. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Oh ... CC ... you're amazing. I just love this so gosh darn much. Could they both be soulmates? Maybe ... maybe ... it split up a bit, as the generations continued? And they each got part? Please?

Just so happy right now. smile

But then we get to the reset ... oh, such ambivalence! Such mixed feelings! Such amazing talent you have!

I won't quote sections because it will basically be me quoting a line and saying, "Yes, go Clark!", then another and saying, "Nooooo!", then yet another and saying, "Well, I see your point, but ... " and then more "You tell them, Lois!" and "Oh, Clark!", then another "Oh ... no ..."

But all that won't change the fact that they are back in their own time, and clueless, and confused, and .... tired. But if they have to be reset, and I suppose they must, then I don't mind telling you that you did a bang-up job at it. Fabulous scene, keeping us on the edge of our seats, wondering which way things were going to go. Really great writing and plotting, and I say that completely sincerely.

Oh, CC, I can't believe this story is over. Thank you so very much for spending the time to plot it and write it and agonize over all those commas and semi-colons. This story has given me a great deal of pleasure over the last few weeks, not just in the reading but also in the analyzing and wondering and discussing. And I appreciate that very much. smile

Kathy (who has just bumped When The World Finds Out to the top of her L&C reading list. smile )