1. Book you're currently reading? Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
2. Last fanfic you read? A Plum New Job , a Buffy / Stephanie Plum crossover
3. Movie you're hoping to see soon? St. Trinian's II: The Legend of Fritton's Gold
4. Favorite sauce on pasta? Bolognese
5. Favorite pizza toppings? Meat Feast
6. Episode of L&C you never get tired of? Fly Hard
7. Episode of L&C you'd rather clean your bathroom than watch? Toy Story
8. Next vacation you're planning? Eastercon (UK national science fiction convention)
9. Something you're scared of? Heights
10. Show you're totally embarrassed to admit you watch? Embarrassed? What is this embarrassed of which you speak?
11. Your first celebrity crush? Louise Jameson (Leela in Dr. Who)
12. Did/will you go to your 10-year reunion? No.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game