1. Book you're currently reading? I just started re-reading T.H. White's "The Once and Future King" with my son. By myself, I'm working my way through Asmov's "Foundation Trilogy" again.
2. Last fanfic you read? Sue S.'s "Snowbound" - 'cause I found out the cabin exists in real life.
3. Movie you're hoping to see soon? "The Lightning Thief", but I'm going to make myself read the books first.
4. Favorite sauce on pasta? Depends on my mood. Pasta is one of my favorite foods, so I like a lot of variety; pesto, creamy sauce, marinara or with meat. We have a lasagna recipe made with beciamella that's really good.
5. Favorite pizza toppings? Mushrooms
6. Episode of L&C you never get tired of? "Virtually Destroyed". Neither Jaxon's bicycle helmet nor his muscle-y avatar can ruin the talk or the scene in Lois' bedroom.
7. Episode of L&C you'd rather clean your bathroom than watch? The Luckabee arc. Blech!
8. Next vacation you're planning? A Florida panhandle beach-house vacation. Maybe we'll do a little sailing.
9. Something you're scared of? Spiders. spider eek
10. Show you're totally embarrassed to admit you watch? None right now
11. Your first celebrity crush? Charles Shaughnessy. His voice still gets me. *shivers*
12. Did/will you go to your 10-year reunion? Yes, I went to my 10-year reunion. My 20 year reunion is this summer and thinking about attending gives me hives. laugh

Karen said:
The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan
OMG! TWoT is actually going to get finished?!? I quit checking the Tor site a few months after RJ died and had pretty much given up hope of ever finishing the series. Yay!

Sigh, the Nanny.
Hey, hey! I love that show. It's the show that got me into fanfics and it's where I met KathyB. As for why I love it, see my answer to #11 wink Also, the premise is fun, Fran Drescher is hilarious (most of the time) and the Niles/CC relationship is fascinating - full of hate, loathing and lust. It doesn't get much better, unless it lasts longer.
*grumbles* stupid network...