1. Book you're currently reading? "Three Cups of Tea," by Greg Mortenson. I got it for Christmas.
2. Last fanfic you read? I just finished re-reading "Vindication," by the amazing M.L. Thompson.
3. Movie you're hoping to see soon? "It's Complicated."
4. Favorite sauce on pasta? I loooove alfredo.
5. Favorite pizza toppings? White sauce, pineapple, spinach, canadian bacon and ricotta.
6. Episode of L&C you never get tired of? "Sex, Lies and Videotape."
7. Episode of L&C you'd rather clean your bathroom than watch? "Contact."
8. Next vacation you're planning? Hawaii, in the spring.
9. Something you're scared of? I am deathly afraid of birds.
10. Show you're totally embarrassed to admit you watch? Teen Mom, on MTV. No judgment!
11. Your first celebrity crush? Scott Baio. Again, no judgment!
12. Did/will you go to your 10-year reunion? I am going this year. Ack. I feel old!

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"