1. Book you're currently reading? An Ice Cold Grave - Charlaine Harris
2. Last fanfic you read? The Darth Michael one on the boards.
3. Movie you're hoping to see soon? Not me per-say, but I've promised my 5 year old I will take her to see the new Disney princess - The Princess and the Frog
4. Favorite sauce on pasta? Pesto maybe? I do like a good Marinara too
5. Favorite pizza toppings? Baby Spinach, smoked salmon, prawns and (i think it is ricotta but it could be some other cream style cheese) on a sun dried tomato sauce.
6. Episode of L&C you never get tired of? Pheromone, My Lovely.
7. Episode of L&C you'd rather clean your bathroom than watch? The Dr Deter eps.
8. Next vacation you're planning? Planning - Aspen (USA) for a ski holiday end of the year. Actually going on would be the obligatory New Zealand and Oz escape the insane heat and humidity trip middle of the year (although I am trying to convince my hubby we should be planning some skiing while we are there too).
9. Something you're scared of? Needles.
10. Show you're totally embarrassed to admit you watch? Australia's Next Top model.
11. Your first celebrity crush? *blush* Donny Osmond
12. Did/will you go to your 10-year reunion? It has been and gone and I wasn't anywhere near New Zealand for it... so I didn't go.

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box