1. Book you're currently reading? - the only reading I do at the moment is LnC fanfic! laugh
2. Last fanfic you read? - House of Cards by Matrix
3. Movie you're hoping to see soon? - The Michael Jackson documentary 'This Is It' - again! (on DVD - already seen it on the big screen)
4. Favorite sauce on pasta? - I don't like pasta frown
5. Favorite pizza toppings? - Hawaiian thumbsup
6. Episode of L&C you never get tired of? - Season's Greedings
7. Episode of L&C you'd rather clean your bathroom than watch? - There are no episodes I dislike that much!
8. Next vacation you're planning? - What's a vacation! LOL! Haven't had a vacation longer than 3 days in the last 11 years! Must be time for a holiday! :rolleyes:
9. Something you're scared of? - Wetas - they sure are ugly and I sure ain't touching one!
10. Show you're totally embarrassed to admit you watch? - Actually I don't currently watch any shows on a regular basis, but the last one I watched regularly was Coronation Street but it got so unrealistic and boring that I gave up watching it about nine months ago (after watching it for many more years than I care to admit!)
11. Your first celebrity crush? - Gee, that's going back a while. I suppose it would be Erik Estrada from CHiPs! Geez, what was I thinking!!!!! blush
12. Did/will you go to your 10-year reunion? - There hasn't been one to go to!