lol, Iolanthe. But only because Smallville Clark isn't exactly Clark Kent either.

He's been responsible for people's deaths, has slept around, is overly mopy and self-absorbed, at times a tad, well, not too bright, and was often hugely insenstive to Chloe (maybe that's part of the self-absorbed business?). It's moot who is further away from the iconic characters, Smallville Lois or Smallville Clark. I'll give the nod to Smallville Clark, perhaps because his 'misdeeds', so to speak had at times serious consequences (his dad's death for example) whereas Lois's have been low impact.

You've hit on one of my major objections to the show - both Lois Lane and Clark Kent have never been more than merely name-tags given to 2 characters who lack many of the defining personality traits of the iconic characters.

Now, I admit to some inconsistency here because it did not bother me at all that they 'rewrote' Lex luthor - maybe because they made him nore interesting, while still retaining his scope for evil - but don't go messing with Lois Lane and Clark Kent. smile
