I too couldn't stand the early seasons of Smallville set in High School. In about season six I started getting more interested and now I'm a fan and have bought the DVDs even. Killing of Lex Luthor was one of the best ideas they ever had, next to getting rid of Lana. Right now in season 9, Lois and Clark are at the Daily Planet, Oliver Queen runs Luthorcorp and Tess Mercer is the new Luthor. Oh yeah, there's a Krptonian invasion.
The ninth season is current in repeats in the US on the CW network. It will pick up with new episodes Jan. 22. Clark doesn't have the Suit yet, but he has an all black ensemble as "The Blur" (formerly the Red-Blue Blur).
It's going to end soon and I'm actually going to miss it.
P.S. I think it's really over with Lana, that if she suddenly showed up (I hope not), Clark really would stick with Lois. After all, they made whopee in Kandor.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis