Smallville certainly makes for a fun topic. smile

When it started, I watched one episode right near the beginning. My reaction was something along the lines of "this is awful" and I didn't go back. BTW, when I first saw the cast, I thought S1 was Clark's senior year. If I remember correctly, Lana was head cheerleader or something. I've never heard of a high school anywhere where an incoming freshman girl would be head cheerleader. So, unrealistic story development wasn't limited to super-related things.

A few years ago I learned that Lois had been introduced and that the Lana character was one her way out. That's when I went back and watched the whole series. I outlined that in my earlier post.

I hope Carol is wrong and that Lana is done. I agree that for most of the series, she is written as the true love of Clark's life. When she left, she was written out in a way that would allow her to return. However, I think Lois is positioned to be the only love interest going forward.

Anyway, I am one of those in the "huge Lois Lane fan" camp. I like Erica's Lois. Her interpretation has a fire and grittiness that feels very right for Lois Lane. I love the series of episodes that introduced her at the start of S4 and I was very frustrated that the Lois - Clark relationship has been a tease pretty much all of season's 4 through 8. However, I guess I'm a die-hard optimist and so far I'm generally happy with the current season.

All that said, I can't in any way disagree with the negatives about this show that have been listed. Even the idea of not telling Lois his secret doesn't make any sense. In Smallville, just about everyone close to Clark knows that he is the Blur (proto-Superman, can't fly) which makes lying about it to Lois both ridiculous and more unforgivable than in regular canon.

So, while I can not defend the show, I guess I'd characterize it as "an acquired taste" that I have learned to enjoy for a very specific reason named Lois.

Lois Lane hair note: When Lois was introduced in S4, her hair was light brown, almost a dark blonde. Her hair has gotten progressively darker and is now almost the correct near-black color that is proper for Lois Lane. Maybe if there is a S10 we'll see a haircut for Tank. jump

Metropolis location note: In Smallville, I think Metropolis basically replaces Kansas City in terms of location. It's certainly within short driving distance of Smallville.
