I actually found LnC by way of Smallville, so I owe Smallville a lot. I started watching Smallville because I needed a 'new' show to watch and watched the first 7 seasons on DVD. I then had to seek out other Superman tales and found Lois and Clark TNAOSM. It was very clear, right from the start how much more superior LnC was than Smallville and i dumped Smallville and embraced LnC (and superman returns)

Smallville annoys me how much they sabatoge every relationship and throw in these little plot things when I wish they could just focus on Lois and Clark. They waste valuable airtime, IMO. I like Erica Durance a lot and Tom Welling is just 'eh' for me but together they work.

I might have to watch season 9. i started watching 8 but gave it up when they brought back Lana to sabotage the Lois and Clark storyline. That was unforgivable dizzy

LOIS:I don't like you.
MAYSON: Really? Oh god, that is such a relief - I don't like you either.
LOIS: That makes me feel so much better