I do believe in romantic love. However, I don't believe in romantic love like you see on TV. (It's like that line in Sleepless in Seattle: "You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie.") Love can certainly have some movie-like aspects, but not all of the time. Realizing that isn't settling, it's growing up.
clap Very well said, Lisa, as the rest of your post!

I am still searching for a man with whom I'd want to share my life with. Even though I can be a very quiet/reserved person, I am a romantic at heart and would love for my future husband to have that quality as well. Most of all he needs to be someone who I can completely trust at all times with everything that I am and dreams to come, kind, loyal, passionate, someone who does not live to work but whose work is one that excites him and that he believes in, similar parenting beliefs, as I want children, a dog lover, and just plain has a good heart and head on his shoulders,etc etc, yes it'd help if he looked like Dean Cain! devil Couldn't resist! The truth is, while I've dated more dark hair/eyed men, I've always been initially greater attracted to blond/light eyed fellows.

Mona, who wishes her Mr. Right, would hurry it up and come!