Interesting topic. It's given me a lot to think about. I've drawn no conclusions for myself yet, but wanted to comment on a couple of items.

Capes wisely said:
I also think it helps if you don't get married until you know who you are as a person and what you want out of life. That way, you are far less likely to fall for the wrong person in the first place.
I second and third that thought. I married when I was 20 (husband was 21) and neither of us had finished growing up yet. We've been together for over 15 years now. Parts have been great and parts have been really rough, but we're still together and learning how to love each other for the people we've become, not just who we started out as.

I also agree with Kmar about having respect for your partner/spouse. Without respect, it's difficult to see all the good the other person does. If you can't see that, there's not even friendship, let alone love.