I do believe in the concept of romantic love. I met my husband through a mutual friend and it took ages before we even really talked to one another when Steve wasn't in the room...then one day (at another friend's wedding), I began feeling like something was wrong and realised it was because this guy who I was "just friends" with, wasn't there to share the wonderful occasion with me.

We both kind of got broadsided by the fact we were in love with each other since we seemed to have little in common (outside of Steve that is) and there was an age difference (I'm six years older than he is) but pretty much from the first date on, the feelings and the utter certainly that we belonged together grew at an exponential pace...so much so that when we got engaged about five weeks after the first date, the only people who were shocked over it were our parents, who lived in different cities and had not witnessed us as a couple.

A week from now will be the twentieth anniversary of the night we decided to get married. I've never felt at all like we "settled", for me it feels very much a romance, albeit with kids and more extensive careers but romance nontheless. I do know some couples who turned friendship into marriage without the fireworks of great passion and bonding and in some cases it's stood the test of time.However compared to the relationships I had before I met my husband, I'll take the romance anyday!! laugh

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!