First off, for the record... I don't mind thread drift. I think free-flowing conversations are much more interesting. (As long as they stay reasonably civil, of course.)

Maybe you should count yourselves lucky that one of few things about Obama the media can find to latch on to is a missing lapel pin.
That's the thing. There are better things they could be talking about. Obama is inexperienced. Clinton has taken more money from lobbyists than any other candidate (in this election, and possibly in US history). McCain's mixed voting record leaves something to be desired from just about everyone, and his "straight talk" is far from diplomatic. (It completely derailed his campaign in '04.)

On the other side of things, Obama won't take money from lobbyists, but is pulling in record-breaking amounts of money. Mostly from small-to-medium internet donations from nearly a million people. Clinton spent 8 years helping to run things when her husband was in office. McCain is a war hero with years of experience in congress.

And, too, there are the differences between the candidates on the issues. Different takes, different policies. Details to be examined. Details that still need to be filled in...

But I guess that only gets you so far. With news running 24/7, they're in constant need of filler. Which seems to take over more and more of the airtime...

As for patriotism in the US... There is a sort of background atmosphere that we're the best. But I don't think it's fair to say that all (or perhaps even most) of us feel that way, especially not to the degree you're talking about. (It's also become an issue between liberals and conservatives.) But, as with any belief, the ones who hold it most firmly are the loudest, and therefore get the most attention.

As to health care... Our system is messed up. Insurance companies have way too much power and control. Over patients. Over doctors. Over even drug companies (who used to be the major players). It's gone beyond ridiculous. As both a chronic patient and the son of a doctor, I've seen more screwed-up things than I care to think about.

Of course, no system is perfect. There are, as mentioned, issues with more socialized medicine.

I should mention, though, that ERs treat you whether or not you can pay. The hospitals will charge for services rendered, but they can't and won't turn you away for lack of money and/or insurance. Which is actually a problem in and of itself. The ERs have become clogged with non-emergency cases - people who don't need immediate or even serious care, but don't want to have to pay to see a doctor.

Moving on...

EditorJax said:

# A female Democratic senator who is very much against the war;
# And a black male Democratic senator who is against the war, but not as much so as his opponent.
This jumped out at me. Obama opposed the war from the start, and has stated that, if elected, he'd work to withdraw our troops within a year. Clinton voted for the war initially, and has yet to make a clear comment about what she'd do if elected. So what makes you say that Clinton is more against the war than Obama?

(I agree, though, that this is looking to be an exciting and historic election.)

Other than that...

Ditto to pretty much everything Lisa said.

And best wishes to you and your son, Sue.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.