Yes, that's just it, Kathy: the feeling I get is that it's an instinctive reaction in the US. Again, I am not intending to criticise anyone, but I have heard that kind of statement - the greatest country in the world - many, many times. Also, when going through the border into the US, which we do from time to time to visit, we get the feeling that the guards believe everyone who's passing through to visit actually wants to stay.

Now, there are many reasons why I don't want to live in the US (the healthcare system is just one), though I do enjoy visiting because the country has a lot to offer and I love my American friends. But it's just, again, getting that sense of 'we believe we're superior'. And, since I know people in the countries I've lived in don't in general have that instinctive belief, I wonder how common it is elsewhere in the world. Do Australians, for example, believe that their country is 'the best in the world'? Jordanians? Brazilians?

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*