Now, there are many reasons why I don't want to live in the US (the healthcare system is just one)
Wendy, Could you explain this to me? I don't argue, after 10 years on the boards together you can see that. But let me tell you how I have seen it. And I might be wrong.
I have a son with brain cancer. I am on many cancer message boards with people from all over the world. I see people from Canada that can't get MRI's, there is such a long wait time. I see people who can't get the medicine they need. The government tells you can only have this one medicine for a certain amount of time for the type of tumor you have. Not everything works for everyone. These people are scared.

I heard on a talk show the other day about the snowbirds from Canada going to Florida every year with their own money to get the medical care they can't get in their own country.

I know there are many people in the US that don't have health insurance. We have just always been one of the lucky ones that have good coverage. But it scares the heck out of me that my son might not be able to get the care he needs if we go to a National Health Care.