Oooh I'm home again and it's always fun to fill out lists...

1. Movies (in no particular order since this is a cracked out list)
Sixteen Candles
Bridget Jones' Diary (the first one)
Star Wars Trilogy
Maria Full of Grace
All About my Mother
Bad Boys 2 (everyone has to have a guilty pleasure movie)
Man on Fire
Zoolander (oh Mugatu how I love you...)


Veronica Decides to Die- Paolo Coelho
Phantom- Susan Kay
Narcissus and Goldmund- Herman Hesse
The Key-Junichiro Tanizaki
Kitchen- Banana Yoshimoto
The Road-Cormac McCarthy
The Bell Jar-Sylvia Plath
A Hundred Years of Solitude-Gabriel Garcia Marques
As I Lay Dying-William Faulkner
Stories of Love, Madness and Death-Horacio Quiroga

3.TV Shows (excluding the obvious)
Scrubs (I think this season in their worst tho)

4.Awesome scenes from above
-Any time Frasier's psycho agent Bebe appears it promises hilarity (the Faust montage particularly had me wheezing and my stomach muscles hurting)

-JD and Turk doing the love between two guys song in the musical episode

-In Quills when the Abbe sees that Madeleine is to be whipped and offers himself in her place...when he sees her reflection when she's many good scenes...

-The lightsaber fights in Empire and Jedi especially the revelation.

-Clark's will cracking in Pheromone...proposal in ATAI...the steamy scene in VD..

-The fight scene in Bridget Jones (how can any girl NOT love that scene, especially when they stop when the cake comes out and join in singing Happy Birthday?)

-In All About My Mother when Agrado makes her speech. Simply beautiful--one of my fave quotes is from that movie and that character: "You are more authentic the more you resemble what you have dreamed of being."

I could go on, but it would make this longer than it already is!

5. Scenes I wish would have been different

-The ending of Quills. I understand it, but wow how bitter. I still love it anyway though.

-It's not a scene in LnC, but I do wish we hadn't jumped into the proposal.


Tainted Love-Soft Cell
John the Revelator-Depeche Mode
Somebody Told me-The Killers
Le Disco-Shiny Toy Guns
My Moon My Man-Feist
Liquid Diamonds-Tori Amos
Monkey Gone to Heaven-Pixies
The Sea-Morcheeba
Trigger Hippie-Morcheeba

7. Places to visit
Bora bora

8. More things to see in LnC
More serious drama with a solid A-plot and character consistency. Less censoring. Less "wacky" one-dimensional villains.
That's pretty much it.

9.Folc's choice
Vanilla coke! smile


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan