I'll start.

1. Movies

Enemy at the Gates
His Girl Friday
An Affair to Remember
Roman Holiday
The King and I
West Side Story
Romeo and Juliet (not the version with Leonardo DiCaprio)
The Battle of the Bulge
The Longest Day
Tora Tora Tora
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Hamlet (with Laurence Olivier)
Von Ryan's Express
Guadalcanal Diary

Yes I love watching WWII films for some reason

2. Books

Pride and Prejudice
Little Women
The Longest Day
Eisenhower: Soldier and President
D-Day 6 June 1944
John F. Kennedy an Unfinished Life
The Third Riech at War
The Harry Potter series
Darcy's Story
Animal Farm
A Tale of Two Cities
The Symposium
Gone With the Wind
The Art of War
The Case For Christ
Righteous Gentile The Story of Raoul Wallenberg Missing Hero of the Holocaust

3. TV shows (past or present)

Lois and Clark (of course or I wouldn't be on these boards laugh )
Desperate Housewives
Grey's Anatomy
Documentaries in particular those of wildlife and WWII

4. Moments/Scenes from any/mixture of the above

First Kiss for Lois and Clark
Darcy asking for Elizabeth's hand and her rejection of him
Clark's proposal in ATAI what girl wouldn't say yes to Clark if he'd proposed like that?

5. Moments/Scenes you wish had been written/acted out differently. (Eg. No amnesia kiss in Superman 2)

That whole non-wedding arc geez talk about running out of ideas
Harm and Mac would have gotten together a lot earlier than they did it was obvious for years!
Lois and Clark would've had it's 5th season

6. For the Deandreamer in all of us, , but not limited to, scenes/moments that you wish YOU had been apart of. (I think this might be a different question)?

Not too sure

7. Songs

Waiting for the World to Fall-Jars of Clay
You and Me-Lifehouse
Home-Michael Buble
Everything-Michael Buble
Cry Out to Jesus-Third Day
Love Heals Your Heart-Third Day
Deciphering Me-Brooke Fraser
Miracle of the Moment-Steven Curtis Chapman
You Raise Me Up-Josh Groban
The Way You Look Tonight-Michael Buble
Waiting on the World to Change-John Mayer
Daughters-John Mayer
The Prayer-Anthony Callea
There's many more too did I mention that the majority of those artists are Christian singers?

8. Places you'd like to visit (real or imaginary-why not)?

In Europe:

The Netherlands
A cruise on the Danube because I can visit so many countries

In Asia:

Vietnam (my dad's from there I would love to see all the places he went to)
Taiwan (where I was born)
Bible tour of the Middle East

In Africa:

The Serengeti
South Africa (hopefully get to go when there the World Cup comes around)

Well I may as well add all over the world since I've pretty much added the whole wourld to my list.

Imarginary? Where else Metroplis of course!

9. Since we are folcs, there ought to be one completely L and C, question, so how about, and hey this might inspire writers out there, too, 10 or so things you wish we could have seen in the show or seen more of.

-More romance in the last few episodes of the last season come on they were newlyweds you'd think they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off each other
-Lois making Clark squirm even more after they broke up hey he deserved it and even though I liked the outsome I would've preferred to have seen them actually talk through their fears
-A fifth season in which Lois and Clark actually do end up having a child of their own
-The origins of the baby in Family Hour
-That's all I can think of right now

10. Folc's Choice. Pick something.
Favourite activity
Photography see some of my photos here

Random Photos

Collecting model planes

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller