Top 10 (give or take a few as I know it can be hard to narrow it down

Movies In no particular order.

I agree with Coolgirl in anything warm romantic and normally not tragic and I'll add in always not violent.

Princess Bride
Cider House Rules
Dirty Dancing
Superman 2
Bed of Roses
Titanic (I admit I saw this MANY times)
The Rainmaker
Vital Signs
Grease 2
Radio Flyer (I know this defies what I said above but as someone who is an advocate for kids this movie was incredible). mecry
many others

Books I love books!

To Kill a Mockingbird
How Green Was My Valley
Comfort and Joy
James Herriot Books
Hometown Heartbreakers
Lakeshore Chronicles
When Light Breaks
Silver Bells and other Luanne Rice books
Nobody Don't Love Nobody
Ordinary Ressurections (Jonathan Kozol-it's an education book)

TV shows (past or present)

Without question, L n C :p

Strong Medicine
Any Day Now
7th Heaven
Family Ties
Life Goes On
Higher Ground
Sometimes it's fun to watch House Hunters to see different families and neighborhoods.
Dodgers, lol. I really am not a tv watcher.

Moments/Scenes from any/mixture of the above

When Lois and Clark were FINALLY married
L n C romance
The near end of BRAC1 in Strong Medicine

Moments/Scenes you wish had been written/acted out differently.

Axe the entire Clone arc and the wedding destroyer if she wasn't part of that!

I wish we had gotten to see L n C grow as a married couple and possibly with children. M and J with grandkids.

Yes, much more romance and less stupid and otherwise interruptions.

Let's see, from the crossover thread, I always wished the Bobbsey Twins had been allowed to age! In Little Women of course Beth's dying and moreso Jo should have ended up with Laurie!

[/] For the Deandreamer in all of us, , but not limited to, scenes/moments that you wish YOU had been apart of. [/b]

I certainly would not have * minded * being a Terri extra! ;)Same with Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing. Fantasy worlds Eternia (He-Man)and heck it might be fun to jump into a chalk drawing in Mary Poppins.


My favorite group is still older REM (Pre-Monster)

Hands and Life Uncommon by Jewel
Circle Game and Clouds by Jodi Mitchell
All I want is You and other older U2
Fall in Love With Me and I Believe Booth and Bad Angel
Flying Without Wings
Still the One
80's artists such as Belinda Carlisle and the Bangles.

Places you'd like to visit

Washington Rainforest
Columbia River Gorge in Oregon
Disney World
New England
Thirsk (James Herriot)

9.Since we are folcs, there ought to be one completely L and C, question, so how about, and hey this might inspire writers out there, too, 10 or so things you wish we could have seen in the show or seen more of. Besides less interruptions and ridiculous plot lines such as ressurections of gangsters and Luthor, time travels etc, I most would have loved to have seen more of Clark growing up and of course him and Lois married.

10. Folc's Choice. Computer games such as Scrabble and Q-Bert and reading L and C fan especially n fic. devil Okay, okay, like Crazy Babe, though I am not talented like she is, I'd like to learn more about photography and I hope to make it through pre-med and then medical school.

Gosh this was harder than I thought it'd be when I made it up! I have enjoyed reading your answers though everyone. smile