Ooh! Two fellow GWTW fans. The best book ever written! Yes, I am a sap.

I've sort of given up on LnC lately ( eek ) in favour of reading GWTW fanfics instead.

(I'm also still trying to wade through RB's People, which I've had for 2 months now and am still only half way through. I'm not not enjoying it, I just keep finding better things to read. blush )

Back to the original thread, I may attempt to answer this later, although I can guarantee there won't be 10 of everything. I generally find 'favourite things' Q's very difficult to answer.

Gone with the Wind
The Shadow of the Wind
The Crimson Petal and the White
The Historian (except the ending was a bit feeble)
Jeffrey Deaver's Lincoln Rhyme series
John 'O Farrell's books are fun
um...can't think. Ok, I don't read that many books...

Movies: was mulling this over in the shower just now, and I came up with
Far and Away - not any more, but I saw that 6x at the movies when it was released blush
Fight Club
About a Boy
um... again...

TV Shows: this I'm basing solely on who I had the hots for at the time
Family Ties - Mona, were you also in love with MJF/APK when you were 12?
Booker - Jump Street spin off (I thought Richard Grieco was drool )
LnC - Dean Cain drool
Buffy - David Boreanaz drool , til Angel left, then
Due South - Canadian mountie nonsense

Currently, I suppose I enjoy Heroes, Desp Housewives, Bones.

Moments/Scenes from above:
VD bedroom scene.
Tempus telling Lois the secret
Clark asking her to marry him. That was sooo cruel, making us wait to find out the answer.
Darla walking into the Hyperion pregnant;
Wesley smashing the memory box thingy and remembering all the horrors that were his miserable life.(Angel)
Duncan MacLeod dying in front of Dr Anne, then revealing himself to her later.

...this sort of thing is on a par with cross-overs for me. If no-one else knows what you're talking about, what's the point? So I'll stop. goofy

Too many to mention, but generally speaking I am partial to the power ballad. (apparently I don't think I've embarrassed myself enough) blush

Places I'd like to visit:
South America

Folc's choice:

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.