1. Movies
The Classic Star Wars Trilogy
The Aliens Quadrilogy
Memoirs of a Geisha
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The Island
Shawshank Redemption
Joyeaux Noel
To End All Wars
The Kingdom

2. Books
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind
Ender's Shadow
Shadow of the Hegemon
Shadow of the Giant
Jesus Freaks

3. TV shows (past or present)
Lois and Clark
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
America's Next Top Model
So You Think You Can Dance
The Office

4. Moments/Scenes from any/mixture of the above
*When Luke Skywalker stands there watching the twin suns set on Tatooine, pondering his life. (A New Hope)
*When Darth Vader is redeemed (Return of the Jedi)
*William Wallace & Murron getting married (Braveheart)
*William Wallace screaming "Freedom" during his torture and seeing Murron standing there waiting for him
*When Robert the Bruce says at the end, "You bled with Wallace; now bleed with me" and they go out screaming to fight
*When Vaughan & Sydney finally get together (Alias)
*When all potential slayers in the world become slayers so Buffy's not the only one anymore
*When Ender finds out he's been fighting the buggers all along, not playing a game (Ender's Game)
*When Lois realizes that the qualities she loves in Superman, she also loves in Clark (Metallo)
*The 'almost' first date
*The steamy VD scene

5. Moments/Scenes you wish had been written / acted out differently.
Clark falling asleep in TOGOM
Lois going with Lex in the Clone arc and Clark letting her

6. For the Deandreamer in all of us, , but not limited to, scenes/moments that you wish YOU had been a part of
Hmmm... I'm very satisfied with my hubby. But I would have loved to be a part of the Space Rat scene. How fun to be a kid again

7. Songs
The John Williams piece from Star Wars A New Hope when Luke is watching the twin suns set.
Les Miserables songs
Give Into Me & Dirty Dianna - Michael Jackson
Bohemian Rhapsody, Princes of the Universe, & Who Wants to Live Forever - Queen
Sabra Girl - Nickel Creek

8. Places you'd like to visit (real or imaginary-why not)?
New Zealand
Las Vegas

9. Since we are FoLCs, there ought to be one completely L and C, question, so how about, and hey this might inspire writers out there, too, 10 or so things you wish we could have seen in the show or seen more of.
More making out
More seasons

10. Folc's Choice. Pick something.
Star Wars

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw