I've told you before about some of the ways that I get 8th graders interested in US History. So since some of you thought my projects sounded cool, I'll tell you what I did this week. My students are learning about the formation of the two-party political system and the issues that split the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. I combined classes with another 8th grade Social Studies teacher and had the kids learn about one of the issues from one of the political perspectives. Each group had to create a speech, newspaper editorial, and political cartoon about it. They could insult their political opponents, but only with "classy insults" - I made them look up Shakespearian insults on the internet. They also had to create posters and stickers for a campaign. Yesterday, we recreated the Election of 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. After the speeches, they got to try and bribe people to vote for their party using cupcakes and candy (my subtle dig at political corruption, plus it makes the activity extra fun!). The kids loved it! All over campus yesterday, all day long, the kids were chanting "Jefferson!" and "Adams!" and talking about the election. Even kids who usually just take a zero on every assignment did their work for this one. I videotaped the speeches. If you're interested, I pulled out a two-minute clip of one girl's speech, and the crowd reaction. If you want to see a really bad, far away image of me, at the end as they pan over the crowd, I'm the woman in the black shirt and red pants (our school colors!). Enjoy! laugh Susan

Election of 1800

P.S. Yes, of course, I ran the whole thing in my 5 inch heels! laugh

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink