Oh snap.... someone done brought out the Caturday pictures. ^_~

I counter with:
[Linked Image]

I have nothing special planned for the weekend. Got into a huge fight earlier this week with the boyfriend of almost 5 years and we broke up for about 3 hours and then fought and mended the relationship. Went to bed at 4am in the morning (wasn't that fun). So we have been trying to do more things together to see if we want to salvage the relationship. I imagine we will probably try to go on a date sometime this weekend (which we haven't done in foreeeever). Maybe I'll make him take me to a sappy movie. ^_~

I'm also doing my best to weedle out of him what he has gotten me for my birthday. So far I have had no luck. frown He knows it drives me crazy. I love presents but I actually enjoy trying to figure out what people have gotten me more. ^_^ I'm such a strange one.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!