I woke up at 5 a.m. and wrote about 1,000 words of "Stardust" before my kids woke up. That's pretty much the only time I have to write these days. By the time evening rolls around, I'm too frazzled to be productive. I'm not always productive in the mornings either, but this morning was good.

Then we did our usual stuff - chores, schoolwork, etc. - and after lunch we went to one of those pottery painting places so that the kids could make some Christmas presents. We stayed there for about 2 hours, and it was really fun - more than I expected it to be - and worth every penny not to have all that mess in my house!

After we got back from that, the kids watched "Seasons Greedings" with me. My son (9) is a huge Superman fan, but he's avoided L&C - mostly, I think, on the theory that if his Mom likes it, it's bound to be stupid and girly. Anyway, I told him enough about the space rats to convince him to give it a try, and both kids wound up enjoying it. The scene where Perry is dancing in his office just killed. He made me run it back like three times. Now I'm trying to think of other eps that might appeal to him. "Tempus Fugitive" may be the next one we try.

So that's my Friday so far. Now I need to go cook dinner...

