Well, I finished cleaning. And I added an extra step in there--I catalogued/organized my cassette tapes too. And made my CD database my Music database.

Marcus, I am SO jealous of your 4000 book space! In order to get that much space for my books, I'd have to build shelves on the walls (because I still live with my family--parents and siblings, that is--and it's the only room I'm allowed to change for my own use), and I don't have the carpentry know-how, or the motivation to take the collage off of my wall of all my mementos/pictures/awards/etc.

I've only got 3 bookshelves.

First, there's the two four-foot shelves which I got two Christmases ago and stacked one on top of the other. The top four feet is mostly my binders full of music books/sheet music, Harry Potter hard backs, and various other books (such as scripture), plus my bicycle helmet and some other odds and ends.

The bottom one is full of books--mostly paper-back--stacked horizontally, two deep and three across.

My other shelf is one of only two pieces remaining of an old bedroom set my mother got when she was a teenager. It's 8 feet tall. The top shelf is all of the books I own by Orson Scott Card (my favorite author), a book of word games, and one of my Dungeons & Dragons manuals.

The next shelf down is a bunch of books that are either hardback, or larger than your average paperback, stacked horizontally from the largest at the bottom to the smallest at the top. They're stacked three across, and one deep.

The next two shelves are mostly paperbacks (I also have the rest of my D&D manuals, plus some art how-to books, shelved the regular way) stacked horizontally, THREE deep, and FOUR across.

Then, there's a cabinet at the bottom with doors on it. Inside, I have 5-7 binders of "The Secrets of the Universe."

In front of both shelves is my electronic keyboard, so I'll have to be REALLY careful when I go through and sort all those books.

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place