We've got freezing rain up here... oh joy! I'd take several inches of snow over freezing rain any day. (I still shudder when I remember the ice storm we had a few years ago...)

I'm in a very weird mood today. I'm on this real incredible high from having finished my 50,000 words in time (for NaNoWriMo) -- but... I've learned earlier this week that my Christmas bonus this year will come in the form of a severance pay (The Terminator came through the office, I guess. *lol*) and this is my first day back since then so I feel really weird being here...

The only thing that's not so bad is that right now, nobody knows. So no one is feeling sorry for me yet - I'd flip out having to last 3 weeks with people looking at me like I need to be spared or something. eeep!

Well... Lunch over, gotta go back to documenting all these things that I do cause I'm the only person left who knows anything about them...

I hope you guys have a great week-end!! laugh

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies