So far my weekend has been a lot busier than usual.

Yesterday at work I had to begin training a new person, and by the end of the day I was dead on my feet. All the things that come naturally to you when you have done a job for a long time have to be explained, and I never realized how exhausting that can be.

After work I went to my mother's for dinner and a business meeting and spent the night. My 14 year old brother woke me up this morning by telling the black lab to jump on me, which she did with gusto. But he wanted to go to IHOP for french toast, so I guess that was a good enough reason. After breakfast, he and I and the dog had a massive tickle fight on my mother's new bed.

Then I went to my 11 year old brother's flag football game in the rain - they lost - and then to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and then home. Whew! I haven't had this much activity within 24 hours in weeks.

Yesterday my husband went to find the new ornament for our Christmas tree. It's something we do every year, and we try to choose something that has some significance related to the year. Look what he chose. He said it was in honor of my new obsession! smile

lisa in the sky with diamonds