I agree - It is very interesting how differently different regions react to winter weather.

Poor Sue was complaining to me yesterday that she never gets a snow day because up where she lives, there is a lot of snow - it's just normal and people go on about their day.

But down south, it's a different story. Where I live, we get more freezing rain and sleet than we do actual snow. And it seems, even after years of knowing this, that our road crews just don't know how to deal with it. They don't start early enough and don't do nearly enough. Plus, it seems people forget how to drive in bad weather from winter to winter and have to relearn all over again. You have the overly-cautious people who don't want to drive over 5 mph goofy and then you have the idiots who think they can drive the same speed (often exceeding the speed limit) that they would normally drive dance

-- MR angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.