Oh, wow, Darcy, what do you do? And Avia, what do you do? I'd love to have a job that was 'boring' for once.

I'm currently taking a break from nursing, but gadfries, nurses are lucky if they have time to do things like, oh, I don't know - go to the bathroom! Or eat! And then when you sit down at the desk to do the mound of paperwork required by the government (and you'd better do it to protect your butt), some lovely patient ( usually well meaning, but not always) comes along and tells you that you aren't doing anything but 'sitting'. Nurses have more to do in one shift than they have hours to do it in. It's no wonder so many of us burn out. And it's no wonder so few people want to be a nurse any more.

I remember when I first became a nurse that the staffing was adequate, and we actually had time to sit and talk to patients. That's a joke now. Well, I could go on and on, but I won't.....

But, hey Darcy, I only live about 8, maybe 10 hours from you. I'd move there in a heartbeat if I could get a job like that. laugh Enjoy it, girl!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~