Well, let's see - what did I do today?

1. Interviewed 4 candidates for a part-time position in my department.

2. Sent 23 emails in response to various complaints that things weren't working.

3. Organised for a telecoms engineer to attend another site out-of-hours - ie, notified reception and security, wrote and faxed the purchase order, phoned the company to make sure they got the fax, made sure my staff set aside a range of IP addresses for the engineer and made sure this information was conveyed to the engineer.

4. Dealt with around 6 in-person visits by staff and students requiring various levels of IT assistance.

5. Made and took a gazillion phone calls.

6. Dealt with two serious IT failures - a) none of the students on one site could print and their course deadlines are tomorrow; b) users were receiving bounceback emails making them believe their emails weren't being delivered even though they were.

7. Marked and scored 4 IT tests (for those interview candidates).

This was probably my busiest day so far this week, but the other three weren't far behind.

DSDragon, can I have your job, please? wink
