the highlight of my day is getting a task, any task to perform. How sad is that? wink

I get to work, check my e-mail (a busy morning is 5 e-mails), make the rounds to make sure the supplies are set and everyone's breathing and... that's it.

During the day I may get little tasks that are really boring - like talking to our shipping company to check the status of something or scheduling an interview but these take a couple of minutes each and then I'm bored again.

And I travel about an hour and a half in each direction to do this boring job! Thank God for the MBs and for FoLCs, I would have lost my mind a long time ago if I wasn't distracted by all the FoLCy stuff I manage to find. smile1


"I get it, you're a ghost. You're dead. Big accomplishment, move on. You see a light anywhere? Go towards it okay?"

Cordelia in 'Rm w/a Vu' - Angel episode 1x05