Another Dimension, Another Time, Another Lois

First off, let me inform you that this story is set in an alt-canon-dimension. No harm comes to canon Lois, canon Clark, or alt-Clark in this story. That being said, this is technically a “deathfic” in that alt-canon-Clark is killed and alt-Clark decides to go save this new Lois instead of saving his alt-Lois, who died back in the Congo. (I do not consider these spoilers as these facts are known within the first few lines of the Prologue and Part 1.)

WARNING: If you continue to read, you *will* be spoiled. Don’t read the rest of this unless you really want to know major plot points (no details) of this story.









Clark is killed as a baby by Tempus back in 1966. By killing Clark, Tempus inadvertently wipes out his own existence. This event causes time to shatter and the formation of another dimension in which Clark doesn’t exist. (Canon Dimension is fine though; canon Clark and canon Lois return to their time and S2 continues as in canon – no harm, no foul.) The shattering of time means that this new Lois and new Wells can only travel forward in time, not backwards to right this horrible wrong. Baby Clark’s death also means that when Lois and H.G. Wells leave 1966, they will no longer remember Clark, Superman, or Tempus, because they will no longer meet them or each other in the future.

Lois refuses to accept this fate for Clark or herself. H.G. Wells informs her that the only way to “unshatter” time is to figure out how Tempus’s destiny is linked to Clark’s/Superman’s and find some other way to save the man from the future. If they can figure out a way to make Tempus survive, then they can “unshatter” time and go back into the past to save baby Clark. Lois and Wells give each other notes to explain what has happened and what their assignment is to save Tempus.

Upon returning to 1995, Lois is thrown into a world where she no longer remembers Clark and where Superman never existed. Season 2 continues… only without him and his influence in it. Since there has been no Clark or Superman in this new destiny, many people who survived in canon dimension will not do so intact, or at all, in this dimension. This includes people around the world, in Metropolis, in Smallville, and even within the Daily Planet family. It also means that Clark isn’t there to distract Lois from Dan Scardino, so he also will have a larger romantic part in her life than in canon. (All sorts of WHAM warnings here.)

Be reassured that not all is without hope – Clark hasn’t disappeared completely. Lois starts having dreams of her previous life with Clark and Superman in it. These dreams influence Lois’s real life and makes her question so-called truths that she had once considered facts. Then she discovers that Clark hasn’t completely abandoned her, either that or she’s going crazy.

My Betas reassure me that Book 1 can be considered a Dark Comedy (either that or I have a real sick sense of humor). The darkest and hardest parts to read (unless you have some gag-reflux to Dan Scardino) will be Parts 1, 23, and 24. Everything else is somewhere between the silliness of Green Eyed Monster and the drama of Missing Lois. Be warned though, since there is no Superman or Clark Kent alive in this story, many people *will* die. Also, not everything in Lois' life will be sunshine and roses.

If my reassurances have not relayed your fears for a future lightness after the darkness of this story, please feel free to skip Book 1 entirely and start with Book 2, which will have a real, living, breathing Clark and a flying Superman and not so many deaths of canon characters. Book 1 is recommend prior to reading Book 2, but not required. Each Book in this trilogy is a separate story and can be read alone or as part of the whole series. You could even read Book 1 after reading Book 2. Feel free to email me at, if you need to know in more detail who will die or get injured or how close Lois and Dan become in Book 1.

Personal WHAM Warnings:

Tank – because of no Clark Kent, Jimmy Olsen will have a bigger part in Lois’s life and he will *not* die. (Sorry). The only ‘kid’ though is alt-canon-Clark as a baby.

Ray – I’ve tried my best not to include those plot devices that you hate in my stories, but I cannot guarantee that I’ve gotten rid of all of them.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.