It's not a topic I bring up at work (the people there are too stunned by my expressed intention of putting a model of Thunderbird 1 into a supersonic wind tunnel and taking flow pattern photos laugh for me to start talking about Superman), but neither do I deny that I write. A couple of years ago, some of my students somehow found my L&C fics and came to ask me if the writer was me; I said yes and the conversation more or less fizzled out (I don't think they knew what to say after that wink ).

I've also encouraged workmates not to be ashamed of being fans of all sorts of stuff, including L&C, but mostly the topic doesn't arise. Shame.

Phil, starting to seriously plan those TB1 tests now that the tunnel is back on deck

Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...