Most everyone who knows me knows that I write stories, they just don't know what for.

I'm not ashamed or anything. I have mentioned the word 'fanfic' quite a few times, but I've gotten so tired of explaining what that is (to the same people!) that I've stopped being specific. When somebody asks, I'm reading, and they know not to disturb me. wink I did find one friend in RL who also read fanfic, but our fandoms are... different. <g>

I found fanfic back in '99 after a particularily nasty cliffhanger in the X Files season finale. I'd hoped online to look for spoilers for the next season when I'd stumbled across a collection of stories based around the season finale. From there it escalated. Several fandoms later... here I am. smile

'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters