I just realized, I replied in this topic without actually answering the question goofy

Yes, I'll mention fanfic. Back when I first started writing for L&C (1995), I was working in an office and I told a few people there... one of them clearly thought I was weird, but hey, he was obsessed about basketball, so I didn't feel he had any room to criticize wink

I've told my mom about the Kerth awards, and she's read one or two of my short stories. The one time I showed her an episode she said she could understand why I liked it, but it's not her thing.

I've told a few other moms in my "Mothers of Preschoolers" group -- actually, once at a Tupperware party, the ice-breaker was to tell one unique thing about yourself. I told them I'd gotten fan mail from around the world and had one of my stories translated into French laugh My kids are convinced that I'm famous wink

More recently, I've told some of our friends from church -- in part explaining *why* I wanted to drive nine hours to Pennsylvania for a day, then another nine hours home the next, which involved explaining friends from online, which led to fanfic in general. One of them's also a general contractor who did some work on our house, so he noticed one day I was working on a video (he tried to talk to me and I waved him off goofy ). Later, I showed him the two videos I'd done, and a fanfic trailer, I think. I doubt he'd ever follow it up outside of a conversation with me, but he thought it was kinda cool (he said I was obviously a romantic), and has been willing to listen to me babble on about it once or twice smile

So, yeah, I'll talk about fandom and fanfic to all sorts of people. In fact, at times, it's hard to get me to *stop* talking about it laugh Mostly, the reaction is a polite "how nice for you" accompanied by a mildly interested yet vaguely puzzled look. If I think they'd really like to know (or if I need to make a point <g> ) I'll keep on explaining until the puzzled look is cleared up and the interested part has gone, too wink


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K