What reactions do you get when you mention the concept of fanfic in everyday conversation?

So far, I haven't met one single person in real life who knew what fanfic meant before I explained it to them. I have a couple of friends who actually wrote fanfic (actually, Mary-Sued, but I guess many people start this way) before I told them about it - only they didn't know it was an official hobby. One of them has been my saviour during Advanced Physics classes, in fact - I don't know how I'd stay awake unless I was discussing Harry Potter fanfic with her goofy

Apart from them, the reactions I have received vary. When I explain them the concept of fanfic (usually giving them a short version like 'it's writing stories based on existing heroes'), most of them give me funny looks that say 'well, that sounds strange, but if you like it...' Some ask questions like "are these stories going to be turned into a TV series too?" or "have you published any of them?" (meaning in books). Once I told someone via SMS, and he SMS-ed me back with something like 'Whoa, whoa, wait a minute there! What in the world is that??'. And I seem to recall someone finding it 'cool', but I can't remember who it was for the life of me.

I am now campaigning for the joys of fanfiction to everyone who will listen to me laugh

Also... how did you find out about fanfic? I was informed by Raquel, with whom I'd been exchanging emails for a while. So it happened online, with the help someone who had already been into it for some time. Although I had started writing my first pieces of fanfic years earlier, when I used to watch Mexican soap-operas and couldn't wait until the next episode laugh

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...