He's "Superman in training" now...and Superman doesn't lie.
You see, I think this is really interesting, Chris. And I totally get your point.

But while Superman doesn't lie, doesn't Clark Kent?

Isn't the whole Secret Identity/Cheese of the Month/Glasses as Disguise thing a lie? And completely necessary if he wants to be effective as Superman and have a life that's his own?

I don't see it as a moral failing when Clark Kent looks right into Lex Luthor's face and lies. The alternative is to put vital information into dangerous hands. So maybe Superman- hero in tights and cape- never lies. But Clark Kent lies every day in ways big and small. What choice does he have?

Just a thought. My two cents. No big whoop. But I do love this shade of gray!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
