(Does anyone else think it's kinda strange for Lois to call him "Smallville" when they're actually *in* Smallville?) (or should I not try to apply logic too much?)
Yes, and definitely yes. It's cute, albiet a little odd. But Pam, please don't try to apply logic to the Smallville writers. You'll hurt yourself.

I pretty much agree with what everyone's been saying, especially regarding the vomit inducing relationship that is Clark and Lana. On the other hand, as odd as this sounds, I'm a little bit glad that they're going to sleep together. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to have the trash can close for when my insides react violently to the impending visual, but I'm hoping that this will mean that they're finally over. For good. If watching an unhealthy amount of television has taught me anything, it's that WB teens don't stay together for long, especially after sleeping together. They have to keep the drama up, and they don't know how to do that while the characters are blissfully happy. It's the highest (or lowest and most sickening, in the case of Clark and Lana) place they can go with the story, so after this they'll move on for good. At least, I can hope so.
